Our Service

Cross-Cultural Intelligence

Cultural intelligence is the art of reconciling different positions and cultural mind-sets to produce positive and satisfying results for everyone involved.

Any effective teamwork is always a result of assembled diverse aspects and circumstances. The secret is to learn how to turn conflicting opposites into completing partners. Here we come to the deep sense of cross-cultural science: the art of finding advantages in differences – implementing reconciliation principles in reality.

The Model-of Freedom© is a unique methodology that facilitates understanding of behaviors and beliefs of various cultures. It helps to balance the different sets of expectations. In a state-of-the-art diagnostic process we assess and visualize the preferred behavior inside national cultures, in an organizations or individual cultural behavior.

The highlight of the Model-of Freedom© concept is to provide a “birds-eye perspective” of complex situations to build a holistic strategy of inclusive cooperation.

Business Psychology

Today we define a classic psychology as the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Behavior is anything an organism does – any action we can observe or record. Mental processes are the internal, subjective experiences we infer from behavior – sensations, perceptions, thoughts, beliefs, feelings.

Combining the science of human behaviour and mental processes with experience of the world of work, business psychology strives to attain effective and sustainable performance for both individuals and organisations. It is is the study and practice of improving working life.

U-COACHING® develops and deploys methodologies that explores human nature and the important role that its understanding plays in business success.

After all, understanding others begins with first understanding yourself.


Our Service

Cross-Cultural Leadership

Development and application of intercultural leadership skills

  • Making visible your own “personal culture” and the contrast with different cultures.
  • Learning and applying an intercultural model (Model-of-Freedom©) as an effective method for reconciling different intercultural leadership styles and communication behaviour.
  • Recognizing cultural differences, master and benefit from them in teamwork
  • Elaborating intercultural conflict solutions

Cross-Cultural Team Efficiency

Successfully managing team diversity

    • Development and enhancement of intercultural awareness
    • Discovering your own national culture through the “eyes” of other cultures. (change of perspective)
    • Developing a “cross functional team culture” for intercultural project teams.
    • Innovative thinking/acting by utilizing cultural diversity.

Corporate Culture Assessment

Assessment of organizational cultures

  • Corporate Culture scan of organizations and its sub organizations
  • Analyzing culture-related risks and roadblocks towards the company`s mission and vision
  • Investigating the prevalent cultural orientations and leveraging the strengths of each organizational sub culture
  • Utilizing the synergies of different Corporate cultures (and sub cultures)

Personality in Cross-cultural Collaboration

Interaction between culture and personality

  • Analyzing and understanding of personal behavioral preferences.
  • Developing awareness of individual working style
  • Dis(un)covering personal cultural attitudes
  • Building up an emotional intelligence in cross-cultural environment

Personal Development

Designing individual development program 

  • Psychological overview of individual behavioral structure
  • Discovering and analyzing personal strength and weaknesses
  • Developing and implementing an individual development program
  • Music / Piano Coaching

refugee management

Cross-cultural awareness for social workers and refugees

  • Cross-cultural education of governmental authorities and volunteers
  • Co-coaching and communication assistance
  • Cross-cultural conflict management
  • Thematic lectures and key-note speeches